Monday 5 September 2016

Preparing the Cocoa Plantation Sites

If you are not aware of what it requires for Cocoa to grow well, understand that more than anything else, it needs soil of good structure that is permeable in nature. Cocoa tree has tap roots. This means that the roots descend straight into the soil with its branch roots going very deep too. So if the soil contains a lot of humus, the roots penetrate well. The chocolaty stuffs that you have today are the result of great cultivation. Whether it is Valrhona WhiteChocolate Chips or any other type, good work starts at the very basic level.
Sometimes, the soil is not that rich and lacks a good structure. In such cases, one can spread manure and work it into the soil. The better the soil, the deeper the roods can go. Therefore, it is suggested that you do not plant cocoa in soils that contain a lot of stones below its surface.
One very important activity that is needed to be done is clearing the site. In places like Africa, cocoa is grown in forest regions. So, this means that in order to plant cocoa, one has to clear the site and make it suitable for plantation.
The traditional method asked for cutting down the trees and burning everything down. But this can never be a good way as by doing so, one destroys all the organic matter in the weed, leaves and branches, leaving the soil bare to the sun and rain. This makes the soil lose fertility.
You should also remember that cocoa saplings require a lot of shade at the young level. Therefore to keep the area shady, it is always better to keep a few of the forest trees uncut. And it is also wise not to burn all that is cut. Leaving them on the ground would mean that the soil will be protected from erosion. Once the cultivation is successful, the growers enjoy what they reap and cocoa reaches us in the form of Cocoa Powder from Valrhona or any other brands.

For further details about Cocoa Powder from Valrhona please visit the website.

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