Thursday 13 November 2014

The Lighter side of Dark chocolates

Chocolates in its myriad avatars have been devoured by all sections of the society. Children or adults, young and old, men or women about everyone have their fascination for them.
There are many ways in which chocolates can be prepared. The key source of chocolates is cocoa which is crushed and results in cocoa liquor or cocoa powder which is then used in various proportions to form chocolate in various shapes, tastes and varieties. It gives the chocolate experts enough home work to be able to discern the art behind chocolate making. It is definitely not easy to differentiate accurately between chocolates. To a layman it might not matter for, for him or her having to have a chocolate is enough at times.

Let us take a look at a very popular variety of chocolate. The dark chocolate is a type which everyone has heard of. chocolat satilia prix These chocolates have been proved to be healthier than the other varieties of chocolates like the milky chocolates or the white ones. The reason is that dark chocolates have a lesser fat content unlike the milk or white chocolate bars. These chocolates are semi sweet and are also at times called as the bittersweet chocolates. Bittersweet chocolate chips have often been part of cookies which people consume quite a lot.

One particular variety of dark chocolate is the Gardini cacao. The Gardini cacao chocolate is a chocolate made with a lot of hard work and is not a derivative of a mechanical chocolate processing. It is made by the artists who expertise in chocolate making. These chocolate experts spend a lot of time with these chocolates so that they come out to be exceptionally excellent. This amount of dedication gives the Gardini cacao chocolates quite a name across the globe.

These chocolates are made in Emilia Romagna by L’Artigiano. The chocolate takes its name from the Gardini brothers who have devised that special technique to make the chocolates what they are today. The chocolates contain a 54% content of cacao and sweet salt is further added to this content to give the chocolate the perfect exquisite taste which is a treat for everyone who enjoys chocolates. The chocolate has a wave pattern on its surface which gives the chocolate a perfect appearance and an equally and unmatched flavor that settles on the taste buds and creates memories to cherish forever.

Yet another kind of dark chocolate is the Chocolat Satilla prix. These are an equally great tasting variety of chocolate that famous the world over. The chocolat Satilla prix instantly melt in the mouth and gives a great sensation that everyone simply falls in love with. Although not much is known of the origins of these chocolate kinds they are nonetheless a favorite of everyone in the chocolate lover community.
Chocolates of various kinds have found quite a fan following across the globe. Using them as gifts or loving to have them every now and then is common. Their popularity has never seen downfall. And never will of course since they are an expression of sweetness which the world is actually quite fond of.

For further details about gardini cacao please visit the website.

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