Wednesday 1 October 2014

Let’s Unravel the Reasons behind Popularity of Chocolates all across the world

The aura of sweetness can be spread by numerous ways and distributing or giving chocolates is one of that ways. It’s a bitter fact of life that hardly there would be any people in the world who would hate chocolates. It is loved by every age group irrespective of origin and gender. The universal truth is that the Children like chocolates the most and is a proven fact that fairer sex i.e. girls / women have stronger inclination towards the chocolates. It has become symbol of so called Love. People gift chocolates to their love beloved ones and convey the message that they love them without saying any words. Chocolates have become very common gifts in famous days like Valentine day, Friendship day, Christmas day, New Year eve, Children day, Mother Day, Father Day etc. Women crave for chocolates more often than men do. The women community often gets chocolates as gift, wrapped beautifully on their Birthdays and Valentine’s Day. Chocolate is thought or perceived to be the romantic gift worldwide. That is the reason why women particularly love chocolates because it makes them feel pampered, cared and loved.  It is something one would find in every nook and corner of the world but Switzerland is very famous for its quality and high blended chocolates like Venchi chocolate.

The basic ingredients of chocolates are as viz. chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, sugar, lecithin, vanilla, milk, fruits, nuts, caramel and other add-ins depending on the specialty of the chocolate. The greater sale of chocolates is often correlated with the attractive packing and packaging and greater shelf life of the finished products. The people get wonderful feeling when chocolate melts in the mouth. This mouth watering feeling of Madecasse chocolate makes it the object of desire for everyone. Some researchers have concluded that eating chocolates evokes the feeling of love and ecstasy. The strong desire or longings for their loved ones is sensed or felt and that’s the power of this popular sweets. As per some study, eating chocolates produce opiates in the brains that soothe their nerves make them feel wonderful. The natural content of chocolates have certain percentages of caffeine, sugars and Phenylthalymine which eventually make ones heart pound faster and breathing gets enhanced and gives a feeling of mental alertness. Chocolates are rich in antioxidants and hence it has becomes popular healthy food. It boosts the skin health. Some recent finding suggests that Dark chocolates contain chemicals that lower the chances of suffering from deadly diseases viz. Cancer, Cardio attack etc. Another interesting fact that come to the fore that chocolates enhances the sexual drive or sexual appetite in women who eat little bit of chocolates daily than women who do not.

For further details about Venchi chocolate please visit the website. 

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