Tuesday, 13 August 2013

The Hot Chocolate of Mexican origin is yummy

The hot chocolate sticks are indeed indigenous to Mexico. The Aztecs were thoroughly enjoying a hot chocolate drink when the Spaniards explored the entire Mexico. They made it with the chocolate, honey, seeds, nuts, and the spices. This was not as sweet as the hot chocolate that we enjoy today, but it was also enjoyed by the Aztec and the Mayan royalty. The Europeans loved the chocolate and took it back home with them. By the late 1700s, they also started preparing it with the milk and sugar, making a drink which is more similar to what we enjoy today. In Europe, the chocolate quickly became a favorite in the various royal palaces. The special china pots and the cups were created especially for the purpose of the drinking of hot chocolate. Today, these sets are the collectors' items and sell for a lot of the money if they are complete. The hot chocolate on the stick is also a very much liked item in Mexico.

The hot chocolate stick is still very much enjoyed in Mexico every single day. They make it with the rich cinnamon and authentic Mexican chocolate which renders a uniquely great taste to it. If you can get a disk of the Mexican chocolate at a local Latino market, you will certainly be able to make it even more authentic for sure. If you cannot, just use some of the unsweetened chocolate. Even if you get some of the sweetened Mexican chocolate, you will find that it is much grainier than the chocolate you are used to. One of the very crucial aspects of the real Mexican hot chocolate is its frothiness. You can do this with a mixer or immersion blender, but if you want to make it the most authentic way, you can purchase a molinillo, or chocolate whisk, at many places online. These are several wooden tools that were initially created in the 1700s by the Spaniards in Mexico. The molinillo is being rotated back and forth between the hands, stirring the chocolate until it becomes quite frothy.

Before the invention of the molinillo, the hot chocolate was made very frothy by pouring back and forth between the two cups. This tended to cool the chocolate at the same time, so unless you want the cooler chocolate, it is best to use a mixer or the molinillo to froth your chocolate. Frothy chocolate is made in coffee shops by using their cappuccino machines. Most of us do not have one at home, so we make do with whatever tools we have on hand. The hot chocolate on a stick is being preferred and liked by the chocolate lovers of all ages in a major way and this added to its immense popularity.

For further details about hot chocolate sticks and hot chocolate on a stick please visit the website.

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